Friday 24 October 2008

The Chaos Within Grows...

Thwomp reached a big rank 18 last night! And to celebrate, I customed Thwomp's gear so that it's not just white, but now white and yellow...

Here is Thwomp giving us a ferocious RAWR!!!

Here's another one from a slightly different angle and performing Da Biggest war bellow...

I was quite surprised while playing last night, Fjorten offered me the title of Vault Manager in the guild, with me being someone he can trust... well the only time I've spoke to Fjorten was when he invited me into the guild... how could I have been so foolish, Fjorten is my Squig Herding greenskin hunting partner also known as Squigboss.

Not long before it was getting late and people were heading off to bed, I was having a bit of a think, is there a guild website? After asking, I was told that there isn't one yet and that Fjorten (I'll call him Squig from now on since I'll probably be referring to him in future posts) had forgotten the codes to create one, so I offered... and here is my first attempt it's not great of course, but it's just to see the reaction of Squig and the rest of the guild. If they like it, great, I'll continue. If it needs a tweak in major areas, fine, I'll stick with it, if they don't like it, well... they can do it themselves right?

Anyway, as Vault Manager, one of my duties is to organize the guild vault. Unfortunately, we are only guild rank 9, so we only have 1 tab available to us. If we can get guild rank 11 iirc, we get a second tab to use, but the third is a long way to get.

I mentioned in a previous post whether I would be able to get my 20g for my mount at level 20 before I get to that level of course...

This might answer that...

In fact, I seem to remember me checking before I logged out last night, I'm sure it was 24g...

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