Thursday 23 October 2008

XCM And Chaos Within Activity

I'm impressing myself how quick I'm picking up these flourishes using a deck of cards. I'm now getting the hang of fanning half a deck (which is what I've been using now for all flourishes for practice). I'm still using an old deck so it sticks very often and leaves gaps and stacks in various places frequently. This is not to my dismay... I'm still determined to perform a fan using this dirty sided old deck...

I'm not doing too bad... here's one I've quickly whipped out... ... ... Well I was going to add it on here... but for some strange reason, my computer can't recognise my phone... when it did it about 10 minutes ago with the image of the cards in this post...

(edit: image now added)

Anyway... I'm picking up the fan (which I will post when I get chance, if it works)... but thats enough ofmy newest hobby.

Thwomp is now rank 16! He hit the magic number of 15 in the Phoenix Gate scenario with a group of guildies... those guys were great to battle alongside... I must say I wasn't at my best in the battles, but I did what I could and killed my fair share of Order scum!

While I was with these great guys, and I should mention Squigboss, I changed the colour of my armorset to white! I'm sure any female WAR players on Karak-Norn Destruction would love me as their Knight In Shinin' Arma' since white is kinda shiny...?

Tonight's project... finish up the quests I currently have in Chaos T2 and head over to Dark Elf T2 for my last push towards getting my mount! Ooo I must get a screenie of my cash at the moment, I'm sure I'm close to 20g now... maybe even 15g... image should hopefully arrive tomorrow.

Till then... TARA MUSH!

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