Monday 27 October 2008

Friday Open RvR

Friday night was fantastic! Plenty of Open RvR! The night started out with a half warband meeting at Barak Varr warcamp to assault the keep and take control. Unfortunately we met resistance.

It started out as one bright wizard trying to harrass us and turned into a mini warband of Order killing us while we tried to take on the champions. Even with us taking on the Hero and 2 champions at the same time... we were at this for about an hour, maybe longer. We did get close to killing the hero at one stage, but a healer agro'd and ran back to the ledge causing a reset... I do believe that he was not a guild member.

After stacking up 5x battle fatigue making me go to pretty much below 2000 health, I decided I'm not going any further. I disbanded, and soon the rest of the warband gave up. Squig invited me to a group and started organising a global tier 2 takeover! Squig was kind enough to get plenty of photos of us taking the BO's...

Thanks for all the members of Chaos Within that took part: -

  • Myself
  • Squig especially for starting the group
  • Aedronil for the lovely heals
  • Effyr (who joined Chaos Within during one of the takeovers from Alpha Legion)
  • Gorssen
  • Kaboela
  • Thanks also to Toocs (The Darkside), Marena (Unholy Legion), Sarkath (Unholy Legion), Lazareth and Sinate (not sure of guild names)

I'll be looking forward to more ORvR with these guys and maybe we can take some keeps!

I have created myself a new character, 3 big reasons why. Larlas (his name) is a Zealot, and my goodness does he enjoy healing in scenarios. He has picked up salvaging and talisman making so i can craft my own talismans for any characters I use and the guild (if he gets good enough for that). Most importantly, Larlas was created to be a bigger bank for Thwomp!

Thwomp is starting to pick up so much with his scavenging that I'm commonly leaving items behind, having to destroy useless items or potions to allow for room, or having to go find a merchant to sell sell sell!

Being an Apothecary stinks at the moment, my scavenging is getting close to 100, but my apothecary is 31... it took 15 potions to get from 30 to 31... I'm not spending time and money to increase it up to 50! Maybe it's the low level items I'm using from the merchant? I've picked up about 100 waters for level 50 use, which have been sent over to Larlas along with plenty of other main ingredients.

I'm well over my 20g budget for my mount at level 20.

I was quite slack on Friday if I'm going to be honest, I probably spent too much time devoted to ORvR instead of getting Thwomp to level 20, or 19 at least.

This week is a bad one for me. The girlfriend has the week off and wants me to spend as much time with her as possible. I can only be online for Wednesday and Thursday, this is until Monday the following week! Even then I'll only be able to play that Monday and Wednesday...

Let's hope that the guild and my fellow RvR group don't get too far ahead of me with leveling.

Thanks again to Squig for getting the pictures of us in action, I hope we see some more. I'll be putting all of the photos on the guild website and hopefully do a little more work on the site.

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